When you're planning a trip, it may seem like you're wading through a sea of endless hotel options,

but many of those hotel brands are hiding a secret – they're owned by the same company. Why do hotel mega-chains spend so much time and money creating these different brands? We've got the answer.

Self-checkout promised to end our awkwardness and speed us along the path home with our purchases.

But, you may have noticed, this is not exactly the utopian vision that plays out. In fact, self-checkouts kind of suck. Still, the self-checkout industry is projected to grow exponentially. So, considering their dysfunction, shoplifting, installation, and maintenance costs, are they really worth it?

If you’ve taken a drive through suburban America lately, you may have noticed Urgent care centers popping up on every corner

In 2023, there were a record 11,150 urgent care centers in the United States, with around 7% growth annually. Names like Concentra, MedExpress, CityMD, are suddenly dominating the landscape. Literally. But it wasn’t always this way. And it wasn’t always such a lucrative business. 


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